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cURL Authentication with Escape


The cURL authentication preset is designed for dynamic token generation and reuse:

  • cURL Command Parsing: Parses a cURL command and executes it in a secure sandboxed cURL simulator.
  • Dynamic Token Extraction: Extracts the authentication token from the cURL command's HTTP response.
  • Token Re-injection: Reinjects the extracted token into subsequent authenticated requests.

This preset is particularly useful for scenarios where authentication tokens are dynamically generated and need to be efficiently extracted and reused in ongoing requests.

The simulator supports a subset of arguments commonly used in cURL: - url: The URL for the HTTP request. - -X, --request: Specify a custom request method to use when communicating with the HTTP server. - -H, --header: Add a header to the request (can be used multiple times for multiple headers). - -b, --cookie: Add a cookie to the request (can be used multiple times for multiple cookies). - -d, --data, --data-ascii, --data-binary, --data-raw: Sends the specified data in a POST request. - -u, --user: Specify the user and password for server authentication. - -A, --user-agent: Sets the user agent string for the HTTP request. - -x, --proxy: Use the specified proxy. - -k, --insecure: Allow connections to SSL sites without certificates. - -L, --location: Follow redirects (the maximum number of redirects is defined by --max-redirs). - --max-redirs: Set the maximum number of redirections to follow for -L.

Note: The simulator does not support all cURL arguments. Adding unsupported arguments may result in an error.


-   type: curl
    -   key: Authorization
        location: header
        prefix: Bearer
        variable: token
    -   name: token
        key: Authorization
        location: header
    -   username: user1
        curl: curl -X POST -d "username=user1&password=pass1"
-   type: curl
    -   key: session_id
        location: cookie
        variable: sessionId
    -   name: sessionId
        key: Set-Cookie
        location: header
        regex: session_id=(\S+);
    -   username: user2
        curl: curl -X POST -d "username=user2&password=pass2"

Extensive Configuration

Property Type Required Description
type Const[curl] True
users cURLUserPreset True The list of users to generate tokens for.
extractions TokenExtraction True The token extraction configuration used to extract the tokens from the HTTP response.
injections TokenInjection True The injection configuration used to inject the tokens into the HTTP requests.



Property Type Required Description
username string True The arbitrary name that identifies the user.
headers Dict[string, string] False Optional headers injected during the authentication process and in authentified requests.
cookies Dict[string, string] False Optional cookies injected during the authentication process and in authentified requests.
curl string True The curl command that is used to fetch the tokens for this user.


Property Type Required Description
location HTTPLocation True The location of the HTTP request where the value should be extracted
key string True The key to use for the extracted value, depending on the location
regex string False The regex to use to extract the token from the key value. By default the entire value is taken.
name string True The name of the variable to store the extracted value into


Property Type Required Description
location HTTPLocation True The location of the HTTP request where the token should be injected
key string True The key to use for the injected token. Its usage depends on the location. For headers, cookies,and query parameters, this key describes the name of the header, cookie or query parameter. For a body location, the key is the field where the token should be injected within the request bodies
prefix string False A prefix to prepend to the token before it is injected
variable string True The name of a variable to retrieve to create the token's value. If not provided, the token will be infered as the first successful extraction of the procedure



  • header

  • cookie

  • body

  • query