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Digest Authentication with Escape


The 'Digest' authentication preset employs a challenge-response mechanism for enhanced security:

  • Initial Request: Involves sending a request to a server endpoint that responds with a WWW-Authenticate header, initiating the authentication process.
  • Credentials Processing: The client creates a hashed version of the user's credentials using the challenge details received.
  • Second Request: The client sends a second request with this hashed information to authenticate.

This method enhances security by avoiding the transmission of actual passwords over the network. Digest Authentication is suitable for scenarios requiring enhanced security without the complexities of more advanced authentication methods.


-   type: digest
        method: GET
            session_id: '123456'
            Accept: application/json
            query: info
        method: POST
    -   username: alice
        password: aliceSecret
    -   username: bob
        password: bobSecret

Extensive Configuration

Property Type Required Description
type Const[digest] True
users BasicUserPreset True The list of users to generate tokens for.
first_request HTTPRequestPreset True The parameters of the first HTTP request executed during the digest procedure.It is the one that returns the WWW-Authenticate header.
second_request DigestSecondRequestConfiguration False The parameters of the second HTTP request executed during the digest procedure.It is the one that uses the digest authentication. By default, parameters of the first request are used.



Property Type Required Description
username string True The Basic username of the user.
headers Dict[string, string] False Optional headers injected during the authentication process and in authentified requests.
cookies Dict[string, string] False Optional cookies injected during the authentication process and in authentified requests.
password string True The Basic password of the user.


Property Type Required Description
url string True The URL to send the request to
method HTTPMethod True The HTTP method to use
headers Dict[string, string] False The list of headers to attach to the request. Headers are merged with the user credentials headers. It is possible to attach mutliple values to a header.
cookies Dict[string, string] False The list of cookies to attach to the request. Cookies are merged with the user credentials cookies. It is possible to attach mutliple values to a cookie. Cookie values are url-encoded before being sent.
query_parameters Dict[string, string] False The list of query parameters to attach to the request. Query parameters are merged with the user credentials query parameters. It is possible to attach mutliple values to a query parameter. Query parameter values are url-encoded before being sent.
body Any False The body of the request. It can be a string or a JSON object. It is merged with the user credentials body if provided. If bodies of the HTTP request and of the user credentials are both JSON objects, they are merged. If the two bodies are strings, they are concatenated. If the two bodies are of different types, the body of the user credentials is used instead of this value.


Property Type Required Description
url string False The URL of the second HTTP request executed during the digest procedure.By default, the URL of the first request is used.
method HTTPMethod False The method of the second HTTP request executed during the digest procedure.By default, the method of the first request is used.





  • GET

  • HEAD



  • POST

  • PUT