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OAuth Client Authentication with Escape


The 'OAuth Client Credentials' preset is tailored for authentication using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant, ideal for service accounts:

  • OAuth Token Endpoint: Directs authentication requests to the token endpoint of an OpenID Connect server.
  • Service Account Credentials: Utilizes client IDs and secrets to authenticate, representing service accounts rather than individual end-users.
  • Token Generation: Designed to obtain access tokens for service accounts without the need for a user's password.

This preset is particularly effective for scenarios where applications or services themselves need to authenticate, independent of a user's direct involvement.


-   type: oauth_client_credentials
    -   username: serviceAccount1
        client_id: serviceClientID1
        client_secret: serviceSecret1
    -   username: serviceAccount2
        client_id: serviceClientID2
        client_secret: serviceSecret2
        - create
        - delete

Extensive Configuration

Property Type Required Description
type Const[oauth_client_credentials] True
users OAuthClientCredentialsUserPreset True A list of users to create
url string True The URL of the token endpoint of the OpenIDConnect server



Property Type Required Description
username string True The arbitrary username given to the user.
headers Dict[string, string] False Optional headers injected during the authentication process and in authentified requests.
cookies Dict[string, string] False Optional cookies injected during the authentication process and in authentified requests.
client_id string True The client ID to use for the OAuth requests
client_secret string True The client secret to use for the OAuth requests
scopes string False A list of scopes to request for the user. If not specified, no scope will be requested.
audience string False The audience to request for the user. If not specified, no audience will be requested.