Security Test: Strict Transport Security¶
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a web security policy mechanism whereby a web server declares that complying user agents (such as a web browser) are to interact with it using only secure HTTPS connections (i.e. HTTP layered over TLS/SSL). HSTS is an IETF standard track protocol specified in RFC 6797.
Add Strict-Transport-Security
GraphQL Specific¶
Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) by adding a 'Strict-Transport-Security' header to all responses with an appropriate 'max-age' directive. Ensure that the 'includeSubDomains' directive is set if all subdomains are to be included, and consider the 'preload' directive if you want the domain to be included in the HSTS preload list. Configure the Apollo framework to enforce HTTPS to prevent protocol downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking.Awsappsync
Ensure that AWS AppSync is configured to use HTTPS for all communications and enable Strict Transport Security by setting the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header in the response. This can be achieved by configuring a custom domain name for your AppSync API and using AWS CloudFront to serve the API over HTTPS with the appropriate security headers.Graphqlgo
Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) by configuring your web server to add the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header to all responses. This header should specify a 'max-age' directive to indicate how long the browser should remember that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS. Optionally, include the 'includeSubDomains' directive if you want all subdomains to also use HSTS, and the 'preload' directive if you want to be included in the HSTS preload list. For a GraphQL Go framework engine, ensure that the web server sitting in front of the application, such as Nginx or Apache, is configured to send the appropriate HSTS header.Graphqlruby
Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) by adding the `rack-ssl` gem to your Gemfile and configuring it to use the `Rack::SSL` middleware. This will ensure that all communications between the client and the server are conducted over HTTPS, preventing man-in-the-middle attacks. Additionally, set the `hsts` option to true in your GraphQL Ruby framework configuration to enforce HSTS headers in responses.Hasura
Enable Strict Transport Security in Hasura by setting the 'strict-transport-security' header in the response. This can be done by configuring the web server hosting Hasura to add this header, or by using a reverse proxy that can inject the header. The header should be set to 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload' to ensure that browsers only access Hasura using HTTPS for at least one year, including all subdomains, and to allow the domain to be preloaded into browsers' HSTS lists.Agoo
Enable HTTPS and configure HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in the Agoo framework to ensure all communications are conducted over secure connections.Ariadne
Ensure that the Ariadne framework engine is configured to enforce HTTPS connections by implementing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) as specified in RFC 6797.Caliban
Ensure secure configuration of the Caliban framework by validating input data and implementing proper authentication and authorization mechanisms.Dgraph
Ensure secure communication by configuring Dgraph to use HTTPS with a valid TLS/SSL certificate.Dianajl
Implement input validation and output encoding in the DianaJL framework engine to prevent injection attacks.Directus
Ensure all API endpoints in the Directus framework are secured with HTTPS and implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to enforce secure connections.Flutter
Ensure secure data storage by using Flutter's secure storage package to encrypt sensitive information.Graphene
Ensure proper input validation and sanitization in the Graphene framework to prevent injection attacks.Graphqlapiforwp
Ensure secure authentication and authorization mechanisms are in place for the GraphQL API in the WP Engine framework to prevent unauthorized access and data exposure.Graphqlgophergo
Implement input validation and output encoding to prevent injection attacks in GraphQL queries within the GopherGo framework.Graphqljava
Enable query complexity analysis to prevent overly complex queries in GraphQL JavaGraphqlphp
Implement input validation and output encoding to prevent injection attacks in GraphQL queries within the graphqlphp framework.Graphqlyoga
Enable validation rules to prevent malicious queries in the GraphQL Yoga frameworkHypergraphql
Ensure secure configuration and access controls for the HyperGraphQL engine to prevent unauthorized access and data exposure.Jaal
Ensure the Jaal framework engine is updated to the latest version to mitigate known vulnerabilities.Juniper
Ensure that the Juniper framework engine is configured to use secure coding practices, including input validation and output encoding, to prevent common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).Lacinia
Ensure secure configuration of the Lacinia framework by validating and sanitizing all inputs to prevent injection attacks.Lighthouse
Ensure all resources are served over HTTPS to improve security and performance in the Lighthouse framework.Mercurius
Ensure all routes in the Mercurius framework are protected with appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms.Morpheusgraphql
Ensure all GraphQL endpoints in the Morpheus GraphQL framework are secured with HTTPS and implement HSTS to enforce secure connections.Qglgen
Ensure proper input validation and sanitization in the gqlgen framework to prevent injection vulnerabilities.Sangria
Ensure proper input validation and sanitization in Sangria GraphQL queries to prevent injection attacks.Shopify
Ensure all Shopify store connections are secured with HTTPS by enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to enforce secure communication.Stepzen
Ensure all API endpoints in the StepZen framework are configured to use HTTPS to secure data in transit.Strawberry
Ensure secure session management by implementing strong session identifiers and using HTTPS for all session-related communications in the Strawberry Framework Engine.Tartiflette
Ensure secure configuration of the Tartiflette engine by validating and sanitizing all inputs to prevent injection attacks.Wpgraphql
Ensure proper authentication and authorization checks are implemented in WPGraphQL to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.REST Specific¶
Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in your ASP.NET application by adding the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header to your responses. This can be done by configuring the 'system.webServer' section in your web.config file or by using OWIN middleware to append the header for all outgoing responses. Ensure that the 'max-age' attribute is set to an appropriate duration and consider including the 'includeSubDomains' attribute if you want all subdomains to also enforce HSTS.Ruby_on_rails
In Ruby on Rails, enable HSTS by setting the 'hsts' option in the 'force_ssl' configuration. Add the following line to your application's configuration file (config/environments/production.rb): 'config.force_ssl = true', which will automatically enforce HSTS with default settings. For custom HSTS options, use 'config.ssl_options = { hsts: { expires: 1.year, subdomains: false } }' to specify the expiry time and whether to include subdomains.Next_js
Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in your Next.js application by configuring the server to send the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header with an appropriate 'max-age' value. This ensures that browsers only communicate with your server over HTTPS. Additionally, consider setting the 'includeSubDomains' flag if you want all subdomains to also use HSTS, and the 'preload' flag if you intend to submit your site to the HSTS preload list for added security.Laravel
In Laravel, enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) by adding the 'StrictTransportSecurity' middleware to the 'web' middleware group in the 'app/Http/Kernel.php' file. This middleware can enforce HTTPS by sending the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header with an appropriate max-age directive.Express_js
In Express.js, to enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), use the 'helmet' middleware. Install it with 'npm install helmet' and include it in your application by adding 'app.use(helmet.hsts({ maxAge: 15552000 }))' to set a max-age of 180 days. Ensure all requests use HTTPS to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.Django
In Django, enable HSTS by setting the 'SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS' value in your file to a non-zero integer, which specifies the number of seconds browsers should remember to only access the site via HTTPS. Also, consider setting 'SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS' to True to apply HSTS to all subdomains, and 'SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD' to True if you intend to submit your site to the HSTS preload list.Symfony
In Symfony, enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) by configuring the 'nelmio_security' bundle. Add the 'forced_ssl' configuration under 'nelmio_security' in your 'config/packages/security.yaml' file, setting 'hsts_max_age' to a suitable value, 'hsts_include_subdomains' to true if you want to include subdomains, and 'hsts_preload' to true if you intend to submit your site to the HSTS preload list.Spring_boot
In Spring Boot, enable HSTS by configuring the security headers in the or application.yml file. Set the security.require-ssl property to true and use the SecurityHeadersConfigurer to add the Strict-Transport-Security header with an appropriate max-age directive.Flask
In Flask, enable HSTS by setting the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header. Use Flask-Talisman or set the header manually in responses. For example, response.headers['Strict-Transport-Security'] = 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'Nuxt
Implement HSTS in Nuxt.js by adding the `helmet` package to set the `Strict-Transport-Security` header. Configure it in the server middleware to ensure all connections use HTTPS.Fastapi
In FastAPI, ensure that all responses set the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header with an appropriate 'max-age' value. This can be achieved by using middleware to automatically add the header to all responses. For example, you can use the 'fastapi.middleware.httpsredirect.HTTPSRedirectMiddleware' to enforce HTTPS, which will also set the HSTS header for you.Frappe
Ensure all database queries in the Frappe framework use parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection attacks.Genzio
Ensure all data inputs in the Genzio framework engine are properly validated and sanitized to prevent injection attacks.Gin
Implement middleware to enforce HTTPS using the gin framework by redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS and setting the HSTS header to ensure secure connections.Gorilla
Implement input validation and output encoding to prevent injection attacks in the Gorilla framework.Hapi
Enable HSTS in the hapi framework by using the 'hapi-hsts' plugin to enforce HTTPS connections.Hono
Ensure the Hono framework engine is configured to enforce HTTPS connections by implementing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) as specified in RFC 6797.Jersey
Ensure secure configuration of Jersey framework by enabling HTTPS and validating input data to prevent vulnerabilities.Koa
Implement CSRF protection middleware in Koa frameworkKtor
Enable HSTS in Ktor by configuring the HTTP server to include the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header in responses, ensuring all interactions occur over HTTPS.Leptos
Ensure proper state management in Leptos framework by using reactive signals and effects to handle UI updates efficiently.Macaron
Ensure secure session management by using encrypted cookies and setting appropriate cookie flags in the Macaron framework.Phoenix
Enable HTTPS and configure HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) in the Phoenix Framework to ensure all communications are secure and prevent protocol downgrade attacks.Redwoodjs
Ensure secure data handling by using RedwoodJS's built-in GraphQL API with proper authentication and authorization mechanisms.Rocket
Ensure all routes in Rocket framework enforce HTTPS by using the `rocket::config::Tls` configuration and redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS.Sveltekit
Ensure secure data handling by using SvelteKit's built-in form actions and server-side validation to prevent injection attacks.Configuration¶
Ignore this check¶
- Escape Severity:
- OWASP: API7:2023
- OWASP LLM: LLM06:2023
- pci: 4.1
- gdpr: Article-32
- soc2: CC6
- psd2: Article-95
- iso27001: A.14.1
- nist: SP800-52
- fedramp: SC-8
- CWE: 523