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Escape CLI

If you want to automate your Escape scans, you can use the Escape CLI.

The Escape CLI is a wrapper around the Escape REST API.


You can install the Escape CLI by downloading the binary from the Escape CLI GitHub Releases.

You can also install it using the following command:

curl -sf | sudo bash

To check if the CLI is installed, you can run the following command:

escape-cli version


To be able to run CLI commands against your Escape instance, you need to add the following environment variable : ESCAPE_API_KEY. To get this variable, go to your users settings page.

You can then set the ESCAPE_API_KEY environment variable in your .zshrc, .bashrc or in your CI/CD pipeline.


You can view the list of commands available with the CLI by running the following command:

escape-cli help


For example, to list all your locations, you can run the following command:

escape-cli locations list

You can also use the --output option to output the result in a different format.

escape-cli locations list --output json