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Escape Inventory also ingests data from various types of integrations to enhance the quality of the results.

Integration Type Active Planned or In Progress Use Case
CDN Cloudflare CDN, Akamai CDN Supplies a complementary initial set of domains and subdomains as primary inputs for Escape Inventory.
Cloud Hosting Azure, GCP, AWS, Kubernetes Supplies additional inputs for the crawling and brute-forcing phase in Escape Inventory.
Monitoring Datadog, Panther, New Relic, Grafana, Dynatrace Extracts endpoint data from logs to support crawling and brute-forcing in the inventory process.
Gateways Apigee, Kong Gateway, Kong Konnect Mulesoft, Tyk, Axway, Apollo, The Hive Supplies additional inputs for the fingerprinting and enrichment phase in Escape Inventory.
Catalogs, CSPM & ASPM (Beta) Wiz Orca, Apiiro, Enso, Ox Security, ArmorCode, Kundukto Supplies data to feed fingerprinting in Escape Inventory, and enhances enrichment accuracy by contributing detailed application and API metadata.
Git Hosting Services GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps Supplies input for the API Discovery from Code and API Schema Generation, which then feeds back into brute-forcing in Escape Inventory.
Developer Portals Postman Backstage, Terraform Supplies schemas that feed back into brute-forcing in Escape Inventory.


  • akamai-logo1-svg    Akamai

  • Icon_24px_AppigeeAPIPlatform_Color   Apigee

  •    AWS

  •    Axway

  •    Azure DevOps

  •    Azure

  •    Bitbucket

  •    Cloudflare

  •    GCP

  •    GitHub

  •    GitLab

  •    Kong Gateway

  •    Kong Konnect

  •    Kubernetes

  • mulesoft-logo   Mulesoft

  •    Postman

  •    Wiz