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AWS Cognito Authentication with Escape


The 'Cognito User Password' preset is designed for authentication using AWS Cognito with username and password credentials:

  • AWS Cognito Integration: Leverages AWS Cognito, a comprehensive user identity and data synchronization service, for authentication.
  • Regional Configuration: Allows specifying the AWS region where the Cognito service is hosted, ensuring proper routing and compliance with data residency requirements.
  • Client Credentials: Utilizes a client ID and client secret for secure OAuth requests within the Cognito framework.
  • User Authentication: Facilitates the creation and authentication of users with a username and password.

This preset is ideal for systems that use AWS Cognito for managing user authentication, providing a seamless integration with the AWS ecosystem.


- type: cognito_userpass
client_id: yourCognitoClientId
client_secret: yourCognitoClientSecret
region: us-west-1
- username: user1
password: pass1
- create
- delete
- username: user2
password: pass2

Extensive Configuration

usersCognitoUserpassUserPresetTrueA list of users to createCognitoUserpassUserPreset
regionAWSRegionTrueThe region of the Cognito Service.AWSRegion
client_idstringTrueThe client ID to use for the OAuth requests
client_secretstringTrueThe client secret to use for the OAuth requests



usernamestringTrueThe username of the user.
headersDict[string, string]FalseOptional headers injected during the authentication process and in authentified requests.
cookiesDict[string, string]FalseOptional cookies injected during the authentication process and in authentified requests.
passwordstringTrueThe password of the user.
scopesstringFalseA list of scopes to request for the user. If not specified, no scope will be requested.



  • us-east-2

  • us-east-1

  • us-west-1

  • us-west-2

  • af-south-1

  • ap-east-1

  • ap-south-1

  • ap-northeast-3

  • ap-northeast-2

  • ap-southeast-1

  • ap-southeast-2

  • ap-northeast-1

  • ca-central-1

  • cn-north-1

  • cn-northwest-1

  • eu-central-1

  • eu-west-1

  • eu-west-2

  • eu-south-1

  • eu-west-3

  • eu-north-1

  • me-south-1

  • sa-east-1