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🔣 Data Types Reference (Scalars)

Escape scanners support 871 types of data (171 Low, 364 Medium, 336 High), named scalars. Here is a list of all the supported types.

🌱 Custom Data Types

To define your own Data Types (Scalars) and Payloads, check out the Custom Payloads documentation section.


business_typeBusiness typeLOW
department_nameDepartment nameLOW
domainDomain nameLOW
key_kmskey kmsLOW
mime_typemime typeLOW
organizationOrganization nameLOW
positionEmployee or Position TypeLOW
roomRoom typeLOW
websiteWebsite nameLOW

Date time

dateISO 8601 date stringLOW
datetimeISO 8601 date and time stringLOW
timeISO 8601 time stringLOW


bankbank nameLOW
bank_accountInternational Bank Account NumberMEDIUM
bank_cardCredit Card NumberHIGH
bitcoinBitcoin addressMEDIUM
card_typeCard type or transation typeLOW
currency_codeCurrency Code ISO 4217LOW
dashDash addressMEDIUM
ethereumEthereum addressMEDIUM
moneroMonero addressMEDIUM
shipping_methodShipping methodLOW
us_bank_account_numberUS Bank Account NumberMEDIUM
us_bank_routing_numberUS Bank Routing NumberMEDIUM
us_zip_codeUS ZIP CodeLOW


base64base64 hashLOW
bcryptbCrypt hashMEDIUM
commit_hashCommit HashLOW
hashBlock hashLOW
md5MD5 hashMEDIUM
sha1SHA1 hashLOW
sha256SHA256 hashLOW


unsanitized_payloadUnsanitized PayloadLOW


body_typebody typeLOW
credit_card_numberCredit Card NumberMEDIUM
document_typeDocument typeLOW
driving_licenseDriving License NumberMEDIUM
french_phonePhone NumberMEDIUM
identity_numberidentity numberLOW
legal_nameFull legal nameLOW
passportPassport NumberMEDIUM
phonePhone NumberMEDIUM
social_security_numbersocial security numberLOW
vehicle_typeVehicle typeLOW




applicationApplication or Product NameLOW
authorauthor nameLOW
categoryClassification or grouping label for items or contentLOW
coupon_codecoupon codeLOW
delivery_methodDelivery methodLOW
e_commerce_indicatore-Commerce IndicatorLOW
event_typeEvent typeLOW
formForm identifier or typeLOW
html_bodyHTML bodyLOW
isbnInternational Standard Book NumberLOW
itemIndividual item identifier, used in e-commerce or inventoriesLOW
joinJoining or membership optionLOW
merchantmerchant nameLOW
navigationPage number or name in a series or navigationLOW
planPlan or subscrption typeLOW
policypolicy nameLOW
referenceReference identifier, often used in tracking or linkingLOW
rolemember typeLOW
searchSearch parameter for text or keyword search in applicationsLOW
serial_numberserial numberLOW
status_messageStatus, error message and additional infoLOW
titleTitle or heading, often used in articles, books or web pagesLOW
viewView mode or perspective, often used in user interfacesLOW


abbysaleApi key for abbysale content creationHIGH
abstractapi key for automating a bunch of tasks such as email validation, ip geolocalisation.HIGH
abuseipdbabuseipdb api is a free api for reporting and checking ip adressesMEDIUM
accuweatheraccuweather let you access the weather report using their paid apiHIGH
adafruit_api_keyIdentified a potential Adafruit API Key, which could lead to unauthorized access to Adafruit services and sensitive data exposure.HIGH
adobe_client_idDetected a pattern that resembles an Adobe OAuth Web Client ID, posing a risk of compromised Adobe integrations and data breaches.HIGH
adobe_client_secretDiscovered a potential Adobe Client Secret, which, if exposed, could allow unauthorized Adobe service access and data manipulation.HIGH
adzuna_privateAdzuna lets you gather job data using their apiHIGH
adzuna_publicAdzuna lets you gather job data using their apiLOW
aeroworkflow_clientaeroworkflow let you manage your data as an accountantLOW
aeroworkflow_privateaeroworkflow let you manage your data as an accountantHIGH
age_secret_keyDiscovered a potential Age encryption tool secret key, risking data decryption and unauthorized access to sensitive information.HIGH
agoraAgora is providing an API to create real time communication channels in mobile apps and websites. private and pub key have the same patternMEDIUM
airbrakeproject_private_keylets you access their frictionless error monitoringHIGH
airbrakeproject_pub_keylets you access their frictionless error monitoring and performance insights for your entire app stack.LOW
airbrakeuserkeyairbrake key for the userLOW
airship_privateAirship maintains open source server libraries to support your integrations with our APIs in multiple languages.HIGH
airtable_api_keyUncovered a possible Airtable API Key, potentially compromising database access and leading to data leakage or alteration.HIGH
airvisualThe Airvisual API key is used to access the Airvisual API, which provides air quality data and information.MEDIUM
alconostThe API key allows access to Alconost services.MEDIUM
alegraThis is an API key for the Alegra serviceMEDIUM
aletheiaapiThis API key is for the Aletheiaapi service. It is used to access and authenticate with the Aletheiaapi service.MEDIUM
algolia_api_keyIdentified an Algolia API Key, which could result in unauthorized search operations and data exposure on Algolia-managed platforms.HIGH
algoliaadminkeyThis API key is used for administrative purposes in Algolia.MEDIUM
alibaba_access_key_idDetected an Alibaba Cloud AccessKey ID, posing a risk of unauthorized cloud resource access and potential data compromise.HIGH
alibaba_secret_keyDiscovered a potential Alibaba Cloud Secret Key, potentially allowing unauthorized operations and data access within Alibaba Cloud.HIGH
alienvaultThe Alienvault API key is used for accessing and interacting with Alienvault's security management platform. It allows users to gather, analyze, and respond to security events and threats.MEDIUM
allsportsAPI key for Allsports, a sports applicationMEDIUM
amadeusThe Amadeus API key is used for accessing the Amadeus travel technology platform, which provides various travel-related services such as flight booking, hotel search, and travel planning. The API key allows authorized users to access and interact with the platform's features and data.HIGH
ambeeThe Ambee API key is used for accessing and using the Ambee API service, which provides real-time and historical environmental data. It allows users to retrieve environmental data such as air quality, pollen counts, weather conditions, and more.MEDIUM
amplitudeapikeyThe API key is used for accessing the Amplitude analytics platform, which provides insights and analytics for user behavior and engagement on websites and mobile apps.MEDIUM
anypointAPI key for AnypointMEDIUM
apactaApacta API keyHIGH
api2cartThe API key is used for accessing the Api2cart service which provides integration with multiple shopping carts. It allows users to connect and manage their online stores through a unified API.MEDIUM
apideck_secretAPI key for ApideckHIGH
apideck_userThe API key is associated with the Apideck platform or application with a high confidence level.LOW
apiflashApiflash is a tool that allows users to capture screenshots of websites via an API. This API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes.MEDIUM
apifonicaThe API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes in the Apifonica service.HIGH
apifyApify API KeyHIGH
apimaticThis API key is used by Apimatic to access and manage APIs. It is likely to contain sensitive information related to authentication and authorization.MEDIUM
apiscienceThe API key is used for accessing the Apiscience API.MEDIUM
apolloThe API key allows access to the Apollo platform, which is used for managing and monitoring software delivery and deployment processes.HIGH
appcuesThe API key is used for access and authentication purposes for the Appcues platform.MEDIUM
appfollowThe API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for accessing the Appfollow API.MEDIUM
appsynergyThe api key is used by the Appsynergy service for authentication and authorization purposes.HIGH
apptivoThe API key is used for authentication and accessing the Apptivo platform.MEDIUM
artifactory_secretArtifactory API keyHIGH
artsyThe api key is used for accessing Artsy API. Artsy is a platform that enables users to discover and collect artworks from galleries and museums around the world. (it s a public api)LOW
asana_client_idDiscovered a potential Asana Client ID, risking unauthorized access to Asana projects and sensitive task information.HIGH
asana_client_secretIdentified an Asana Client Secret, which could lead to compromised project management integrity and unauthorized access.HIGH
asanaoauthAPI key used to authenticate and authorize access to the Asana API.LOW
asanapersonalaccesstokenAsana personal access tokenHIGH
assemblyaiThe API key is used for authentication and access control for the Assemblyai API which provides automatic speech recognition (ASR) services.HIGH
atlassian_api_tokenDetected an Atlassian API token, posing a threat to project management and collaboration tool security and data confidentiality.HIGH
auddAudd is an audio recognition service that allows users to identify songs and obtain information about them. The api key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the Audd API.MEDIUM
auth0managementapitokenAuth0 Management API token allows access to Auth0 Management API, which provides functionalities for managing users, roles, permissions, and other aspects of the Auth0 identity platform.HIGH
authress_service_client_access_keyUncovered a possible Authress Service Client Access Key, which may compromise access control services and sensitive data.HIGH
autodeskThe API key is used for authentication and access to the Autodesk API services.MEDIUM
autokloseThe Autoklose API key is used to access the Autoklose platform, which provides automated sales outreach and email marketing capabilities.LOW
autopilotThe Autopilot API key is used for controlling and managing autonomous driving features in a vehicle.MEDIUM
avazapersonalaccesstokenAvaza Personal Access TokenMEDIUM
aviationstackaviationstack API key is used for accessing aviation-related data such as flight information, airports, and airlines.MEDIUM
aws_access_tokenIdentified a pattern that may indicate AWS credentials, risking unauthorized cloud resource access and data breaches on AWS platforms.HIGH
axonautThe API key is associated with Axonaut, a software for managing small businesses. This key is used for authentication and access to the Axonaut API.HIGH
aylienThe api key is used for accessing the Aylien text analysis API.HIGH
ayrshareAPI key for AyrshareMEDIUM
bannerbearThe API key is used for authentication and access control to the Bannerbear service. It allows users to generate and manage design templates programmatically.MEDIUM
baremetricsThe API key for Baremetrics is used to access and interact with the Baremetrics API, which provides analytics and insights for businesses.LOW
baseapiioThe API key is used for accessing the Baseapiio service.MEDIUM
beamer_api_tokenDetected a Beamer API token, potentially compromising content management and exposing sensitive notifications and updates.HIGH
beeboleAPI key for Beebole softwareLOW
besttimeThe Besttime API key allows the user to access and utilize the Besttime API, which provides information on the best times to visit various locations based on foot traffic data.LOW
billomatAPI key for accessing the Billomat API, which is a cloud-based invoicing and accounting software for small and medium-sized businesses.MEDIUM
bitbarBitbar is a mobile app testing platform used by developers to test their mobile apps on real devices. The API key allows users to authenticate and access Bitbar's testing services.MEDIUM
bitbucket_client_idDiscovered a potential Bitbucket Client ID, risking unauthorized repository access and potential codebase exposure.HIGH
bitbucket_client_secretDiscovered a potential Bitbucket Client Secret, posing a risk of compromised code repositories and unauthorized access.HIGH
bitcoinaverageThe API key is used for accessing the Bitcoinaverage service.MEDIUM
bitfinexAPI key for accessing Bitfinex's trading platform and servicesHIGH
bitlyaccesstokenBitly API Access TokenMEDIUM
bitmexBitmex API keyMEDIUM
bittrex_access_keyIdentified a Bittrex Access Key, which could lead to unauthorized access to cryptocurrency trading accounts and financial loss.HIGH
bittrex_secret_keyDetected a Bittrex Secret Key, potentially compromising cryptocurrency transactions and financial security.HIGH
blazemeterThis api key is used for accessing Blazemeter or Runscope services.MEDIUM
blitappThe Blitapp API key allows access to sensitive information related to the Blitapp platform.HIGH
bloggerBlogger API keyMEDIUM
bombbombThe api key is used for accessing the Bombbomb service. Bombbomb is a video communication platform that allows users to record, send, and track video messages.HIGH
boostnoteAPI key for BoostnoteMEDIUM
borgbaseThe API key is used for accessing Borgbase, a service for secure and encrypted backup solutions.MEDIUM
brandfetchThe api key is used for accessing the Brandfetch API.MEDIUM
browshotBrowshot API keyMEDIUM
buddynsThe api key belongs to Buddyns service.MEDIUM
bugherdBugherd API keyHIGH
bugsnagBugsnag API keyMEDIUM
buildkiteThe API key is used for accessing and managing Buildkite resources.MEDIUM
bulbulThe API key is used to access a service named Bulbul.MEDIUM
buttercmsThis API key is used for authentication and allows access to ButterCMS services.MEDIUM
caflouThis API key is for Caflou, a software for managing finances and expenses.LOW
calendarificThe api key is used for accessing the Calendarific API, which provides information about holidays and observances worldwide.MEDIUM
calendlyapikeyCalendly API key, used for authentication and accessing Calendly's API services.HIGH
calorieninjaThe Calorieninja API key is used to access the Calorieninja service, which provides nutritional information for food and beverages.MEDIUM
campaynThe Campayn API key is used for authenticating and accessing the Campayn email marketing platform.MEDIUM
cannyioThe API key is used for accessing the platform.MEDIUM
capsulecrmThe API key is used for authentication and authorization to access the features and functionality of the Capsule CRM software.HIGH
captaindataThe api key is used for accessing the Captaindata API.MEDIUM
carboninterfaceThe api key allows access to the Carboninterface API, which is used for calculating and offsetting carbon emissions.MEDIUM
cashboardAPI key for CashboardMEDIUM
caspioCaspio API keyMEDIUM
censysCensys API keyMEDIUM
centralstationcrmThe api key is used for authentication and authorization in the Centralstationcrm platform.MEDIUM
cexioAPI key for CexioMEDIUM
chatfuleThe API key is used for authentication and authorization in Chatfuel, a chatbot development platform.MEDIUM
checioThe api key is used for authentication and authorization purposes.MEDIUM
checklyhqThe API key is used for authentication and authorization to access the Checklyhq API.MEDIUM
checkvistCheckvist API keyMEDIUM
ciceroThe API key is used for accessing sensitive information related to the user with the name 'Cicero'. It is a unique identifier for authentication and authorization purposes.HIGH
circleciCircleci API keyHIGH
clearbitClearbit API keyMEDIUM
clickhelpThis API key is used for accessing Clickhelp, a documentation platform.MEDIUM
cliengoThe api key is used for authentication and authorization purposes in the Cliengo platform.MEDIUM
clinchpadThe Clinchpad API key allows access to the Clinchpad CRM platform, which helps businesses manage their leads and sales pipelines.HIGH
clockifyClockify API key authenticates and provides access to the Clockify API for time tracking and project management.HIGH
clockworksmsThe API key is used by Clockworksms to authenticate and authorize access to their messaging service.MEDIUM
clojars_api_tokenUncovered a possible Clojars API token, risking unauthorized access to Clojure libraries and potential code manipulation.HIGH
closecrmClosecrm API keyHIGH
cloudelementsAPI key for Cloudelements serviceLOW
cloudflareapitokenThe Cloudflare API token is a sensitive information that provides access to the Cloudflare API. It allows users to authenticate and interact with the Cloudflare service for managing DNS records, configuring SSL settings, and other website-related operations.HIGH
cloudflarecakeyThe Cloudflarecakey is an API key used for authentication and authorization purposes, specifically related to Cloudflare services. It provides access to various functionalities and resources within the Cloudflare API.HIGH
cloudflareglobalapikeyThe Cloudflare global API key is a sensitive information as it provides access to Cloudflare's API. This key allows users to authenticate and interact with Cloudflare's services globally.HIGH
cloudimageThe api key is used for accessing and authenticating with the Cloudimage service, which provides image optimization and manipulation functionalities.MEDIUM
cloudmersiveThe Cloudmersive API key is used to access and utilize the Cloudmersive API services.MEDIUM
cloudplanThe api key is associated with Cloudplan, which is likely a cloud service provider. The api key is used for authentication and access control for various services provided by Cloudplan.MEDIUM
cloverlyThe Cloverly API key is used for integrating the Cloverly service, which calculates the environmental impact of transactions and provides offset options.MEDIUM
clozeThe provided API key is used for, a service that provides AI-powered email productivity tools such as summarization, highlighting important information, and generating reminders.MEDIUM
clustdocAPI key for ClustdocMEDIUM
codacyThe api key is used for Codacy, which is a software development platform that helps developers secure their code and automate code reviews. It offers static code analysis, code coverage, code duplication analysis, and code metrics.HIGH
codecov_access_tokenFound a pattern resembling a Codecov Access Token, posing a risk of unauthorized access to code coverage reports and sensitive data.HIGH
coinapiThe Coinapi API key is used for accessing the Coinapi service, which provides access to cryptocurrency market data.HIGH
coinbase_access_tokenDetected a Coinbase Access Token, posing a risk of unauthorized access to cryptocurrency accounts and financial transactions.HIGH
coinlayerCoinlayer API key is a sensitive information that provides access to Coinlayer API. Coinlayer is a cryptocurrency exchange rates and currency conversion API service.HIGH
coinlibAPI key for Coinlib, a cryptocurrency market data provider.MEDIUM
commercejsThe Commercejs API key is used for authentication and authorization to access the Commercejs API. It allows developers to interact with the Commercejs platform and perform various actions such as managing products, orders, customers, and inventory.HIGH
commoditiesThis API key is used for accessing and managing commodities data.MEDIUM
companyhubAPI key for Companyhub - 1HIGH
confluent_access_tokenIdentified a Confluent Access Token, which could compromise access to streaming data platforms and sensitive data flow.HIGH
confluent_secret_keyFound a Confluent Secret Key, potentially risking unauthorized operations and data access within Confluent services.HIGH
contentful_delivery_api_tokenDiscovered a Contentful delivery API token, posing a risk to content management systems and data integrity.HIGH
contentfulpersonalaccesstokenPersonal access token used for authenticating and accessing the Contentful APIHIGH
convertkitAPI key for Convertkit, a marketing automation platform. The key is used for authentication and access to Convertkit's API services.MEDIUM
convierThe Convier API key is used for authentication and authorization to access the Convier service.HIGH
countrylayerThis API key is for the Countrylayer service.LOW
courierThe Courier API key allows access to the Courier service for sending notifications and messages.MEDIUM
coverallsCoveralls API keyHIGH
crowdinThe api key is used for accessing the Crowdin localization management platform.MEDIUM
cryptocompareThe Cryptocompare API key is used for accessing the Cryptocompare platform, which provides real-time and historical data on cryptocurrencies such as prices, market caps, trading volumes, and more.HIGH
currencycloudCurrencycloud API keyHIGH
currencyfreaksThe Currencyfreaks API key is used to access the Currencyfreaks API, which provides exchange rate data for different currencies.MEDIUM
currencylayerThe Currencylayer API key is used to access the Currencylayer API, which provides real-time and historical currency exchange rates. The API key is necessary to authenticate and authorize requests to the API.MEDIUM
currencyscoopThe Currencyscoop API key is used for accessing currency exchange rate data.MEDIUM
currentsapiThe Currentsapi API key is used to access the Currents API, which provides news articles and headlines from various sources. The API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the API endpoints.MEDIUM
customerguruAccess to a customer service platform or applicationMEDIUM
customerioAPI key for Customerio, a customer communication platformMEDIUM
d7networkThe API key is used for accessing D7network services.MEDIUM
dailycoThe API key is used by the Dailyco application for authentication and authorization purposes.MEDIUM
dandelionThe API key is used for accessing the Dandelion API, which provides natural language processing services. It allows users to analyze text and extract various types of information.MEDIUM
databricks_api_tokenUncovered a Databricks API token, which may compromise big data analytics platforms and sensitive data processing.HIGH
datadog_access_tokenDetected a Datadog Access Token, potentially risking monitoring and analytics data exposure and manipulation.HIGH
datadogtokenDatadogtoken is an API key used for accessing Datadog services.MEDIUM
datafireAPI key for Datafire integrationHIGH
datagovThe Datagov API key provides access to data and resources available on the platform.MEDIUM
debounceThe api key is used for debouncing input, which is a technique to limit the rate at which a function is called. It ensures that a function is only executed after a certain amount of time has passed since the last time it was called.MEDIUM
deepaiAn API key used for accessing the DeepAI service.MEDIUM
deepgramThe api key provides access to the Deepgram API which is a speech recognition platform.MEDIUM
defined_networking_api_tokenIdentified a Defined Networking API token, which could lead to unauthorized network operations and data breaches.HIGH
delightedThe API key is used for the Delighted service, which is a customer feedback platform. It allows users to gather feedback and measure customer satisfaction.MEDIUM
detectlanguageThe Detectlanguage API key is used for detecting the language of a given text.MEDIUM
dfuseDfuse API keyHIGH
diffbotThe api key is used for accessing and making requests to the Diffbot API, which provides automated data extraction from web pages and documents.MEDIUM
digitalocean_access_tokenFound a DigitalOcean OAuth Access Token, risking unauthorized cloud resource access and data compromise.HIGH
digitalocean_patDiscovered a DigitalOcean Personal Access Token, posing a threat to cloud infrastructure security and data privacy.HIGH
digitalocean_refresh_tokenUncovered a DigitalOcean OAuth Refresh Token, which could allow prolonged unauthorized access and resource manipulation.HIGH
digitaloceantokenDigitalOcean API TokenHIGH
dittoThis API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes.HIGH
dnscheckDnscheck is an API key used for performing DNS checks and analysis. It is likely associated with a service or tool related to DNS management or security.MEDIUM
documoThe Documo API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for accessing the Documo API services.MEDIUM
doppler_api_tokenDiscovered a Doppler API token, posing a risk to environment and secrets management security.HIGH
dotmailerDotmailer API keyMEDIUM
dovicoThe Dovico API key is used for accessing Dovico's services and resources.MEDIUM
dronahqAPI key for the Dronahq platformMEDIUM
droneci_access_tokenDetected a Droneci Access Token, potentially compromising continuous integration and deployment workflows.HIGH
dropbox_api_tokenIdentified a Dropbox API secret, which could lead to unauthorized file access and data breaches in Dropbox storage.HIGH
dropbox_long_lived_api_tokenFound a Dropbox long-lived API token, risking prolonged unauthorized access to cloud storage and sensitive data.HIGH
dropbox_short_lived_api_tokenDiscovered a Dropbox short-lived API token, posing a risk of temporary but potentially harmful data access and manipulation.HIGH
duffel_api_tokenUncovered a Duffel API token, which may compromise travel platform integrations and sensitive customer data.HIGH
dwollaAPI key for the Dwolla payment platform.HIGH
dynalistDynalist API keyHIGH
dynatrace_api_tokenDetected a Dynatrace API token, potentially risking application performance monitoring and data exposure.HIGH
dyspatchThe API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to Dyspatch, a service that helps manage and deliver transactional emails.MEDIUM
eagleeyenetworksThe API key is used for authentication and access control for the Eagleeyenetworks platform.MEDIUM
easyinsightThis is an API key for Easyinsight, a data analysis and visualization platform. It is used to authenticate and authorize access to the Easyinsight API.MEDIUM
easypost_api_tokenIdentified an EasyPost API token, which could lead to unauthorized postal and shipment service access and data exposure.HIGH
easypost_test_api_tokenDetected an EasyPost test API token, risking exposure of test environments and potentially sensitive shipment data.HIGH
edamamThe api key is used for accessing the Edamam API, which is a service that provides nutrition analysis, recipe search, and meal planning functionalities.MEDIUM
edenaiThe API key is used for accessing the Edenai API services.MEDIUM
eightxeightAPI key for Eightxeight - 1 serviceMEDIUM
elasticemailThe Elasticemail API key is used to authenticate and access the Elasticemail service, which is an email marketing platform. It allows users to send and manage email campaigns and track their performance.MEDIUM
enablexEnablex API keyMEDIUM
enigmaThe Enigma API key is used for encryption and decryption of sensitive information.HIGH
ethplorerThe Ethplorer API key is used to access the Ethplorer API, which provides blockchain data for the Ethereum network. It allows users to retrieve information about Ethereum addresses, transactions, tokens, and contracts.LOW
etsy_access_tokenFound an Etsy Access Token, potentially compromising Etsy shop management and customer data.HIGH
etsyapikeyEtsy API keyHIGH
everhourThis API key is used for accessing the Everhour service, which is a time tracking and project management tool.LOW
exchangerateapiExchangerateapi is an API key used for accessing an external exchange rate API. It allows users to retrieve the exchange rates between different currencies.MEDIUM
exchangeratesapiExchange rates API keyMEDIUM
facebookDiscovered a Facebook Access Token, posing a risk of unauthorized access to Facebook accounts and personal data exposure.HIGH
facebookoauthFacebookoauth API keyMEDIUM
faceplusplusFaceplusplus is an API service that provides facial recognition and analysis capabilities. The API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the Faceplusplus services.MEDIUM
fakejsonThe API key is used for accessing the Fakejson service, which is a platform for generating mock JSON data.LOW
fastforexAPI key for Fastforex serviceMEDIUM
fastly_api_tokenUncovered a Fastly API key, which may compromise CDN and edge cloud services, leading to content delivery and security issues.HIGH
fastlypersonaltokenThe Fastlypersonaltoken is an API key used for authentication and access control purposes in the Fastly content delivery network (CDN) service.HIGH
feedierFeedier API keyMEDIUM
fetchrssThe Fetchrss API key is used for interacting with the Fetchrss service, which allows users to create RSS feeds from websites that do not provide their own. It fetches and aggregates content from various sources to create personalized feeds.MEDIUM
figmapersonalaccesstokenFigma Personal Access TokenHIGH
fileioThe API key is for the Fileio service, which is used to manage and manipulate files. It allows users to perform various file operations such as upload, download, and delete files.MEDIUM
finageAPI key for accessing Finage's servicesHIGH
financialmodelingprepThe API key is used for accessing financial data provided by the Financialmodelingprep API.MEDIUM
findlThis API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes. It is associated with the name Findl and is used to identify and access specific resources.MEDIUM
finicity_api_tokenDetected a Finicity API token, potentially risking financial data access and unauthorized financial operations.HIGH
finicity_client_secretIdentified a Finicity Client Secret, which could lead to compromised financial service integrations and data breaches.HIGH
finnhub_access_tokenFound a Finnhub Access Token, risking unauthorized access to financial market data and analytics.HIGH
fixerioAPI key for Fixerio. Allows access to currency exchange rate data.MEDIUM
flatioAPI key for Flatio serviceMEDIUM
fleetbaseThe API key is used for authenticating and accessing the Fleetbase service.MEDIUM
flickr_access_tokenDiscovered a Flickr Access Token, posing a risk of unauthorized photo management and potential data leakage.HIGH
flightapiThe Flightapi API key is used for accessing a flight data API.MEDIUM
flightstatsFlightstats API keyHIGH
floatThe Float API key is used for integrating with the Float project management and resource scheduling platform.MEDIUM
flowfluThe api key is used for accessing the Flowflu or Account service. It is a string of alphanumeric characters with a length between 4 and 30.MEDIUM
flutterwave_encryption_keyUncovered a Flutterwave Encryption Key, which may compromise payment processing and sensitive financial information.HIGH
flutterwave_public_keyDetected a Finicity Public Key, potentially exposing public cryptographic operations and integrations.HIGH
flutterwave_secret_keyIdentified a Flutterwave Secret Key, risking unauthorized financial transactions and data breaches.HIGH
fmfwThis api key is used for authentication and authorization purposes in the Fmfw - 1 system.HIGH
formbucketFormbucket API keyMEDIUM API KeyHIGH
foursquareAPI key for Foursquare, a location data platform that provides information about venues and placesHIGH
frameio_api_tokenFound a API token, potentially compromising video collaboration and project management.HIGH
freshbooks_access_tokenDiscovered a Freshbooks Access Token, posing a risk to accounting software access and sensitive financial data exposure.HIGH
freshdeskThe api key is used for authentication and access control for the Freshdesk ticketing system.MEDIUM
fulcrumThe api key is used for authentication and authorization purposes in the Fulcrum platform.HIGH
fullstoryThe API key is used for authentication and access control to the Fullstory platform.MEDIUM
fusebillThe Fusebill API key is used for authentication and authorization to access the Fusebill billing platform.HIGH
fxmarketThe api key is used for accessing the Fxmarket API.MEDIUM
gcp_api_keyUncovered a GCP API key, which could lead to unauthorized access to Google Cloud services and data breaches.HIGH
geckoboardGeckoboard API keyHIGH
gengoThe Gengo API key allows access to the Gengo translation service.MEDIUM
geoapifyGeoapify API KeyMEDIUM
geocodeThe Geocode API key is used for geocoding and it generates a unique identifier for a specific location on Earth.HIGH
geocodifyGeocodify is an API key for a geocoding service that converts addresses into geographic coordinates.MEDIUM
geocodioGeocodio API keyHIGH
geoipifiGeoipifi API keyHIGH
getemailsThis API key is used by the Getemails - 1 service. It is used to access and retrieve emails from a database or server.MEDIUM
getgeoapiThe Getgeoapi API key is used to access a geolocation API service. This API provides information about the latitude and longitude coordinates for a given location.LOW
getgistThe api key is used to access the Getgist API.MEDIUM
getsandboxGetsandbox API keyMEDIUM
github_app_tokenIdentified a GitHub App Token, which may compromise GitHub application integrations and source code security.HIGH
github_fine_grained_patFound a GitHub Fine-Grained Personal Access Token, risking unauthorized repository access and code manipulation.HIGH
github_oauthDiscovered a GitHub OAuth Access Token, posing a risk of compromised GitHub account integrations and data leaks.HIGH
github_patUncovered a GitHub Personal Access Token, potentially leading to unauthorized repository access and sensitive content exposure.HIGH
github_refresh_tokenDetected a GitHub Refresh Token, which could allow prolonged unauthorized access to GitHub services.HIGH
githubappThis api key is used for the Githubapp - 1. It is used to authenticate and access different functions and features of the Github API.MEDIUM
gitlab_patIdentified a GitLab Personal Access Token, risking unauthorized access to GitLab repositories and codebase exposure.HIGH
gitlab_pttFound a GitLab Pipeline Trigger Token, potentially compromising continuous integration workflows and project security.HIGH
gitlab_rrtDiscovered a GitLab Runner Registration Token, posing a risk to CI/CD pipeline integrity and unauthorized access.HIGH
gitlabv2API key for Gitlabv2MEDIUM
gitter_access_tokenUncovered a Gitter Access Token, which may lead to unauthorized access to chat and communication services.HIGH
glassnodeThe Glassnode API key is used to access and retrieve data from the Glassnode platform, which provides on-chain analytics for cryptocurrencies. The API key allows users to access various data points and metrics related to blockchain activity, including transaction volume, network health, token distribution, and market sentiment.HIGH
gocanvasGocanvas API keyMEDIUM
gocardless_api_tokenDetected a GoCardless API token, potentially risking unauthorized direct debit payment operations and financial data exposure.HIGH
gooddayThe API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to a service. It is generated for the 'Goodday' software and allows access to sensitive data.HIGH
google_api_public_keyGoogle API public key (e.g. Google Maps API key) can be used to quota theft.LOW
grafana_api_keyIdentified a Grafana API key, which could compromise monitoring dashboards and sensitive data analytics.HIGH
grafana_cloud_api_tokenFound a Grafana cloud API token, risking unauthorized access to cloud-based monitoring services and data exposure.HIGH
grafana_service_account_tokenDiscovered a Grafana service account token, posing a risk of compromised monitoring services and data integrity.HIGH
graphcmsAPI key for accessing GraphCMS APIMEDIUM
graphhopperThe Graphhopper API key provides access to the Graphhopper routing service.MEDIUM
groovehqThe API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for the Groovehq API.HIGH
guardianapiThe Guardian API key used for accessing the Guardian API service.HIGH
guruThis API key is used to retrieve contact information, particularly email addresses, related to the term 'Guru'.HIGH
gyazoThe api key is used to access Gyazo API for uploading and managing images.MEDIUM
happiThe api key is used for accessing a service related to the name 'Happi'.HIGH
happyscribeThe api key is related to Happyscribe, a service for automatically transcribing audio and video files. It is used to access the Happyscribe API and perform various transcription and speech recognition tasks.MEDIUM
harvestThe API key is used for accessing the Harvest API. Harvest is a time tracking and invoicing software for businesses.MEDIUM
hashicorp_tf_api_tokenUncovered a HashiCorp Terraform user/org API token, which may lead to unauthorized infrastructure management and security breaches.HIGH
hashicorp_tf_passwordIdentified a HashiCorp Terraform password field, risking unauthorized infrastructure configuration and security breaches.HIGH
hellosignThe Hellosign API key allows access to the Hellosign API, which is used for electronic signature and document workflow management.HIGH
helpcrunchThe api key is associated with Helpcrunch, a customer communication platform. It is used for authenticating and accessing Helpcrunch's services.MEDIUM
helpscoutThe api key provides access to the Helpscout API, which is a customer service platform. It allows users to manage customer conversations, track customer satisfaction, and generate reports.HIGH
hereapiHereapi is a service that provides geocoding, routing, mapping, and other location-based services. The API key is used to access and authenticate with the Hereapi service.HIGH
heroku_api_keyDetected a Heroku API Key, potentially compromising cloud application deployments and operational security.HIGH
hiveHive - 1 is an API key that is used for accessing Hive, a data warehouse infrastructure tool for querying and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage.MEDIUM
hiveageThe api key is used for authentication and authorization in the Hiveage platform.MEDIUM
holidayapiThe Holidayapi key is used to access the Holidayapi service which provides information about holidays worldwide.LOW
html2pdfHtml2pdf is a tool that allows users to convert HTML files to PDF format. The API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes.MEDIUM
hubspot_api_keyFound a HubSpot API Token, posing a risk to CRM data integrity and unauthorized marketing operations.HIGH
hubspotapikeyThe Hubspot API key allows access to the Hubspot software platform, which is used for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service. It is used to authenticate and authorize requests made to the Hubspot API.HIGH
huggingface_access_tokenDiscovered a Hugging Face Access token, which could lead to unauthorized access to AI models and sensitive data.HIGH
huggingface_organization_api_tokenUncovered a Hugging Face Organization API token, potentially compromising AI organization accounts and associated data.HIGH
humanityAPI key used for accessing humanity-related dataLOW
hunterThis API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes. It is used to access sensitive data or perform sensitive operations.HIGH
hypertrackAPI key for accessing the Hypertrack serviceMEDIUM
ibmclouduserkeyThis API key belongs to an IBM Cloud user and is used for authentication and authorization purposes.MEDIUM
iconfinderAPI key for Iconfinder serviceMEDIUM
iexcloudIexcloud is an API key used for accessing financial market data and analysis provided by IEX Cloud. It allows users to retrieve various types of market data, such as stock quotes, historical prices, and company information.MEDIUM
imagekitImagekit API keyHIGH
imaggaThe Imagga API key is used for image recognition and analysis services provided by the Imagga platform.MEDIUM
impalaImpala API keyMEDIUM
infracost_api_tokenDetected an Infracost API Token, risking unauthorized access to cloud cost estimation tools and financial data.HIGH
insightlyAPI key for the Insightly CRM platformHIGH
integromatIntegromat API keyMEDIUM
intercom_api_keyIdentified an Intercom API Token, which could compromise customer communication channels and data privacy.HIGH
intrinioThis API key is used for accessing the Intrinio API, which provides financial data and analytics for investors and financial professionals.LOW
invoiceoceanThe API key is used to authenticate and access the Invoiceocean platform's functionalities.MEDIUM
ipapiThe Ipapi API key allows access to a service that provides IP geolocation data, including information on the country, region, city, latitude, longitude, timezone, and more for a given IP address.HIGH
ipgeolocationThe Ipgeolocation API key is used for geolocation services, providing information about the geolocation of an IP address. It allows users to retrieve information such as country, state/region, city, latitude and longitude of an IP address.MEDIUM
ipifyIpify API keyLOW
ipinfodbThe api key is used by the Ipinfodb service for IP geolocation lookup.MEDIUM
ipqualityThe Ipquality API key is used to access the Ipquality service, which provides IP intelligence and fraud detection. It helps identify fraudulent activity, proxy servers, VPNs, and bot traffic by analyzing IP addresses.HIGH
jdbcAPI key for the Jdbc connection. This key is used for authentication and granting access to the Jdbc (Java Database Connectivity) API.MEDIUM
jfrog_api_keyFound a JFrog API Key, posing a risk of unauthorized access to software artifact repositories and build pipelines.HIGH
jfrog_identity_tokenDiscovered a JFrog Identity Token, potentially compromising access to JFrog services and sensitive software artifacts.HIGH
jiratokenJiratoken is an API key used for authentication and access control in Jira, a project management and issue tracking platform. It provides access to various functionality such as creating, updating, and managing issues, creating and updating projects, and managing user permissions.MEDIUM
jotformJotform API keyMEDIUM
jumpcloudThe Jumpcloud API key is used to authenticate and interact with the Jumpcloud cloud directory platform. It allows users to manage user identities, devices, applications, and resources.HIGH
juroAPI key for Juro serviceLOW
jwtJSON Web TokenHIGH
jwt_base64Detected a Base64-encoded JSON Web Token, posing a risk of exposing encoded authentication and data exchange information.HIGH
kanbanThis API key is used for identifying and accessing the Kanban system. It is used to authenticate and authorize requests made to the Kanban system.MEDIUM
karmacrmThe api key is used for Karmacrm, which is a customer relationship management software. The key is used for authenticating and accessing the API.MEDIUM
keenioThe api key is used for authenticating and accessing the Keenio API.MEDIUM
kickboxThe API key is used for accessing the Kickbox service.HIGH
klipfolioThe Klipfolio API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the Klipfolio API. It allows users to programmatically interact with Klipfolio, such as creating, updating, and deleting resources like dashboards and data sources.MEDIUM
kontentThis API key is used for accessing and managing content on the Kontent platform.MEDIUM
kraken_access_tokenIdentified a Kraken Access Token, potentially compromising cryptocurrency trading accounts and financial security.HIGH
kucoin_access_tokenFound a Kucoin Access Token, risking unauthorized access to cryptocurrency exchange services and transactions.HIGH
kucoin_secret_keyDiscovered a Kucoin Secret Key, which could lead to compromised cryptocurrency operations and financial data breaches.HIGH
kylasThe api key is used for authentication and authorization purposes.MEDIUM
languagelayerThe Languagelayer api key allows access to a language detection and translation service.MEDIUM
lastfmThe Lastfm API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the Lastfm API. It allows developers to retrieve information about music artists, albums, and tracks, as well as perform other actions like scrobbling and creating playlists.MEDIUM
launchdarkly_access_tokenUncovered a Launchdarkly Access Token, potentially compromising feature flag management and application functionality.HIGH
leadfeederThe Leadfeeder API key is used to access and interact with the Leadfeeder platform. It allows users to track website visitors, identify leads, and gather analytics data for marketing and sales purposes.HIGH
lendflowLendflow API keyHIGH
lessannoyingcrmAPI key for LessannoyingcrmMEDIUM
lexigramThe Lexigram API key is used for accessing the Lexigram natural language processing platform, which enables text analysis and entity recognition.HIGH
linear_api_keyDetected a Linear API Token, posing a risk to project management tools and sensitive task data.HIGH
linear_client_secretIdentified a Linear Client Secret, which may compromise secure integrations and sensitive project management data.HIGH
linearapiThis api key is used for the Linearapi service.MEDIUM
linemessagingThe api key is used for accessing the Line Messaging API, which allows developers to integrate Line messaging features into their applications.HIGH
linenotifyLinenotify is an API key that provides access to the Linenotify service, which allows users to send notifications to Line messaging app users.MEDIUM
linkedin_client_idFound a LinkedIn Client ID, risking unauthorized access to LinkedIn integrations and professional data exposure.LOW
linkedin_client_secretDiscovered a LinkedIn Client secret, potentially compromising LinkedIn application integrations and user data.HIGH
liveagentThe Liveagent API key is a sensitive information that provides authentication and authorization for accessing the Liveagent platform.HIGH
livestormThe Livestorm API key provides access to the Livestorm platform.HIGH
lob_api_keyUncovered a Lob API Key, which could lead to unauthorized access to mailing and address verification services.HIGH
lob_pub_api_keyDetected a Lob Publishable API Key, posing a risk of exposing mail and print service integrations.HIGH
locationiqLocationiq API keyHIGH
loginradiusLoginRadius API keyMEDIUM
lokalisetokenLokalise token is an API key used for accessing Lokalise localization platform. It provides access to sensitive information related to managing and translating software and app content.MEDIUM
loyverseLoyverse API keyLOW
lunoThis API key is used for the Luno platform. It is a sensitive information as it provides access to a specific user's account on Luno.MEDIUM
m3oThe M3o API key is used for authentication and authorization to access resources and services provided by the M3o platform.MEDIUM
macaddressThe API key refers to a MAC address, which is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on a network. This key can be used to track and identify devices on a network.MEDIUM
madkuduAPI key for accessing the Madkudu serviceMEDIUM
magneticThe api key is used for accessing and interacting with the Magnetic API.MEDIUM
mailboxlayerMailboxlayer API keyHIGH
mailchimp_api_keyIdentified a Mailchimp API key, potentially compromising email marketing campaigns and subscriber data.HIGH
mailerliteThe API key is used for accessing and interacting with the Mailerlite API. It allows users to manage email marketing campaigns, subscribers, templates, and more.MEDIUM
mailgun_private_api_tokenFound a Mailgun private API token, risking unauthorized email service operations and data breaches.HIGH
mailgun_pub_keyDiscovered a Mailgun public validation key, which could expose email verification processes and associated data.HIGH
mailgun_signing_keyUncovered a Mailgun webhook signing key, potentially compromising email automation and data integrity.HIGH
mailjetbasicauthMailjet Basic Auth API keyMEDIUM
mailjetsmsThe Mailjetsms API key is used for sending SMS messages through the Mailjet platform.MEDIUM
mailmodoThe API key is used for accessing the Mailmodo API service.HIGH
mailsacMailsac API keyMEDIUM
mandrillMandrill is a transactional email API service provided by Mailchimp. The API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the Mandrill API for sending and managing transactional emails.MEDIUM
manifestThe API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes in the Manifest application.HIGH
mapbox_api_tokenDetected a MapBox API token, posing a risk to geospatial services and sensitive location data exposure.HIGH
mapquestMapquest API keyMEDIUM
marketstackAPI key for accessing Marketstack API, which provides financial market data.MEDIUM
mattermost_access_tokenIdentified a Mattermost Access Token, which may compromise team communication channels and data privacy.HIGH
mattermostpersonaltokenThe API key is a personal token for Mattermost, a messaging platform. It allows access to the user's account and associated data.HIGH
mavenlinkThe api key is used to access the Mavenlink platform.MEDIUM
maxmindlicenseMaxmind License Key - API key used for accessing MaxMind's geolocation and IP intelligence services.HIGH
meaningcloudThe api key is used for accessing the Meaningcloud API, which provides various NLP (Natural Language Processing) services such as sentiment analysis, text classification, and text extraction.MEDIUM
mediastackThe Mediastack API key is used for accessing the Mediastack API services which provide real-time access to news articles from various sources worldwide.LOW
meistertaskThe Meistertask API key is used for accessing and managing tasks, projects, and workflows in Meistertask, a project management tool. It allows users to create, update, and delete tasks, as well as track progress and collaborate with team members.MEDIUM
mesiboThe Mesibo API key is used for accessing and managing the Mesibo real-time messaging platform.MEDIUM
messagebird_api_tokenFound a MessageBird API token, risking unauthorized access to communication platforms and message data.HIGH
messagebird_client_idDiscovered a MessageBird client ID, potentially compromising API integrations and sensitive communication data.HIGH
metaapiMetaapi - 1 is an API key that belongs to the Metaapi service. It is used for accessing the Metaapi API.MEDIUM
metriloThe API key is used to authenticate and access the Metrilo service.MEDIUM
microsoft_teams_webhookUncovered a Microsoft Teams Webhook, which could lead to unauthorized access to team collaboration tools and data leaks.HIGH
microsoftteamswebhookThe api key is used to authenticate and authorize requests to the Microsoft Teams Webhook service.MEDIUM
midiseThe api key is a unique identifier for the service named Midise.MEDIUM
mindmeisterAPI key for Mindmeister, a collaborative mind mapping tool.MEDIUM
miteMite is an API key used for accessing the Mite time tracking software.MEDIUM
mixmaxThe api key is used by Mixmax for authentication and authorization purposes.HIGH
mixpanelAPI key for accessing Mixpanel analytics platform.MEDIUM
moderationThe api key is used for moderation purposes.MEDIUM
mondayThe api key is associated with the name 'Monday'. It is used for authentication or authorization purposes.MEDIUM
moonclerckThe API key allows access to the Moonclerck platform.HIGH
moonclerkAPI key for MoonclerkMEDIUM
moosendMoosend API keyMEDIUM
myfreshworksAPI key for Myfreshworks - 1LOW
myintervalsMyintervals is a service that helps users track and manage their time intervals for various tasks. The API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes.MEDIUM
nasdaqdatalinkThe Nasdaqdatalink API key allows access to Nasdaq data and provides information about stocks and financial markets.MEDIUM
nethuntNethunt - 1 is an API key used for authenticating and accessing the Nethunt CRM platform.MEDIUM
netlify_access_tokenDetected a Netlify Access Token, potentially compromising web hosting services and site management.HIGH
neutrinoapiThe Neutrinoapi key is used to authenticate and access the Neutrino API, which provides various tools and services for data validation, enrichment, and analysis.HIGH
new_relic_browser_api_tokenIdentified a New Relic ingest browser API token, risking unauthorized access to application performance data and analytics.HIGH
new_relic_user_api_idFound a New Relic user API ID, posing a risk to application monitoring services and data integrity.HIGH
new_relic_user_api_keyDiscovered a New Relic user API Key, which could lead to compromised application insights and performance monitoring.HIGH
newrelicpersonalapikeyPersonal API key for New RelicHIGH
newsapiThe Newsapi API key allows access to the Newsapi service, which provides access to news articles from various sources and languages.MEDIUM
newscatcherThe Newscatcher API key is used for accessing the Newscatcher API which allows users to search for and retrieve news articles.MEDIUM
nexmoapikeyNexmo API key is a sensitive information that is used for authentication and authorization when making API calls to the Nexmo messaging platform. It provides access to the Nexmo API services for sending and managing SMS and voice messages, as well as other communication features.HIGH
nftportNftport API keyLOW
nicereplyThe Nicereply API key is used for integration with the Nicereply customer satisfaction survey platform.MEDIUM
nimbleThe API key is for the Nimble platform, which is a customer relationship management (CRM) software. It allows access to various CRM features and customer data.MEDIUM
nitroThe Nitro API key is used for accessing and managing Nitro services, which is a powerful set of productivity tools for businesses.MEDIUM
noticeableThe api key is used for accessing a service called Noticeable.MEDIUM
notionThe API key is used for authentication and authorization in the Notion API.HIGH
nozbeteamsNozbe API keyMEDIUM
npm_access_tokenUncovered an npm access token, potentially compromising package management and code repository access.HIGH
numverifyNumverify is an API service that allows users to validate and verify phone numbers. The API key is used to access and authenticate requests made to the Numverify API.MEDIUM
nutritionixThe API key is used for authentication and authorization to access the Nutritionix API service.MEDIUM
nylasAPI key for the Nylas APIHIGH
nytimes_access_tokenDetected a Nytimes Access Token, risking unauthorized access to New York Times APIs and content services.HIGH
oandaThe API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for the Oanda API.MEDIUM
okta_access_tokenIdentified an Okta Access Token, which may compromise identity management services and user authentication data.HIGH
omnisendOmnisend API keyMEDIUM
onedeskThe api key is used for accessing a service called Onedesk. Onedesk provides a platform for managing projects, tasks, and tickets within an organization. The api key allows users to authenticate and access the functionality provided by Onedesk.MEDIUM
oneloginThis API key is used for authentication and access management in the Onelogin software.HIGH
onepagecrmOnepagecrm API keyMEDIUM
onwaterioOnwaterio API key for accessing Onwaterio serviceLOW
oopspamThis api key is used for Oopspam serviceLOW
openai_api_keyFound an OpenAI API Key, posing a risk of unauthorized access to AI services and data manipulation.HIGH
opencagedataThis API key is used for accessing the OpenCageData service, which provides geocoding and reverse geocoding functionality.LOW
opengraphrOpengraphr is a service that provides an API key for accessing Open Graph data. The API key is used to authenticate and authorize requests made to the Opengraphr API.MEDIUM
openuvThe Openuv API key is used to access the Openuv service, which provides information about the UV index and other related data.LOW
openweatherThe Openweather API key is used to access weather data from the Openweather service.LOW
optimizelyThe Optimizely API key is used for accessing and managing Optimizely's experimentation and personalization platform. It allows developers and marketers to create and deploy A/B tests, track user behavior, and analyze experiment results.LOW
owlbotThis API key is used for accessing the Owlbot API, which provides definitions, synonyms, and images for English words.MEDIUM
pagerdutyapikeyThe Pagerduty API key allows access to the Pagerduty system, which is used for incident management and monitoring. This API key is used to authenticate and authorize requests made to the Pagerduty API.MEDIUM
pandadocThe Pandadoc API key is used for authenticating and accessing the Pandadoc API services.MEDIUM
pandascorePandascore is a data provider for esports. The API key allows access to their esports data.MEDIUM
paralleldotsThe API key is used for authentication and access control for the Paralleldots API.HIGH
partnerstackThe Partnerstack API key is used for integration with the Partnerstack platform, which helps businesses manage and optimize their partner programs. It allows access to partner data and program management functionalities.MEDIUM
passbaseThe Passbase API key is used for secure user verification and identity authentication.HIGH
pastebinThe api key is used to access and interact with the Pastebin service, which is a platform for storing and sharing text online. It allows users to create, view, and manage their pastes.MEDIUM
paymoappAPI key for PaymoappMEDIUM
paymongoThe api key is used for authentication and access to the Paymongo API.HIGH
paypaloauthPaypaloauth is an API key used for PayPal's authentication process.HIGH
paystackPaystack API keyHIGH
pdflayerPdflayer API keyHIGH
pdfshiftPdfshift is an API that allows you to convert HTML to PDF by making HTTP POST requests.LOW
peopledatalabsAPI key used for accessing Peopledatalabs dataHIGH
pepipostThe API key belongs to Pepipost (or Netcore) which is an email delivery service provider.LOW
pipedreamThe api key is used for authentication and authorization purposes in the Pipedream platform.HIGH
pipedrivePipedrive API keyHIGH
pivotaltrackerPivotaltracker API keyMEDIUM
pixabayPixabay API Key allows access to the Pixabay API, which provides free stock photos, illustrations, vectors, and videosLOW
plaid_api_tokenDiscovered a Plaid API Token, potentially compromising financial data aggregation and banking services.HIGH
plaid_client_idUncovered a Plaid Client ID, which could lead to unauthorized financial service integrations and data breaches.HIGH
plaid_secret_keyDetected a Plaid Secret key, risking unauthorized access to financial accounts and sensitive transaction data.HIGH
plaidkeyPlaid API keyHIGH
planetscale_api_tokenIdentified a PlanetScale API token, potentially compromising database management and operations.HIGH
planetscale_oauth_tokenFound a PlanetScale OAuth token, posing a risk to database access control and sensitive data integrity.HIGH
planetscale_passwordDiscovered a PlanetScale password, which could lead to unauthorized database operations and data breaches.HIGH
planviewleankitThe API key is used for accessing the Planview LeanKit API for project management and team collaboration.MEDIUM
planyoAPI key for Planyo, a reservation software platformHIGH
plivoPlivo API keyHIGH
poloniexAPI key for Poloniex cryptocurrency exchangeMEDIUM
polygonThe api key is used for authentication and authorization in the Polygon API which provides real-time and historic market data for various financial instruments including stocks, options, and cryptocurrencies.MEDIUM
positionstackPositionstack is an API that provides geocoding and reverse geocoding services. The API key in question is used for authentication and access to the Positionstack API.MEDIUM
postageappThe Postageapp API key is used for integrating the Postageapp email delivery service into applications.HIGH
posthogAPI key for the Posthog platformMEDIUM
postman_api_tokenUncovered a Postman API token, potentially compromising API testing and development workflows.HIGH
postmarkPostmark API keyHIGH
powrbotThe API key is used for authentication purposes in the Powrbot service.HIGH
prefect_api_tokenDetected a Prefect API token, risking unauthorized access to workflow management and automation services.HIGH
private_keyIdentified a Private Key, which may compromise cryptographic security and sensitive data encryption.HIGH
privatekeyPrivate key used for authentication and encryptionLOW
prospectcrmThe API key is used by the CRM software Prospectcrm for authentication and accessing sensitive customer data.MEDIUM
prospectioThe api key is used for accessing Prospectio services.HIGH
protocolsioThe API key is used for authentication and authorization in the platform. It provides access to sensitive user data and allows for the creation, retrieval, and modification of protocols.MEDIUM
proxycrawlThe Proxycrawl API key is used for accessing the Proxycrawl API, which provides web scraping and crawling services.MEDIUM
pubnubpublishkeyThe PubNub Publish Key is used to authenticate and authorize the publisher to send messages using PubNub's messaging service.MEDIUM
pulumi_api_tokenFound a Pulumi API token, posing a risk to infrastructure as code services and cloud resource management.HIGH
purestakeAPI key for accessing the Purestake service.MEDIUM
pushbulletapikeyPushbullet API key is used for accessing the Pushbullet service, which allows sending text messages, links, files, and push notifications to connected devices.HIGH
pusherchannelkeyThe Pusher Channel Key API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the Pusher Channels service.MEDIUM
pypi_upload_tokenDiscovered a PyPI upload token, potentially compromising Python package distribution and repository integrity.HIGH
qualarooThe Qualaroo API key is used to access and authenticate to the Qualaroo platform, which provides user feedback and survey solutions for websites and applications.HIGH
quboleThe Qubole API key is a sensitive information that grants access to the Qubole platform. It allows users to authenticate and perform various operations such as managing clusters, executing queries, and accessing data on the Qubole platform.HIGH
quickmetricsThe Quickmetrics API key is a sensitive information that allows access to Quickmetrics services.MEDIUM
rapidapi_access_tokenUncovered a RapidAPI Access Token, which could lead to unauthorized access to various APIs and data services.HIGH
ravenAPI key for RavenMEDIUM
rawgThe 'Rawg' api key is used for authenticating and accessing the 'Rawg' API service.MEDIUM
razorpayRazorpay API key - Provides access to the Razorpay payment gateway for online transactions.HIGH
readme_api_tokenDetected a Readme API token, risking unauthorized documentation management and content exposure.HIGH
reallysimplesystemsThis API key is associated with Really Simple Systems, a customer relationship management (CRM) software. It may grant access to sensitive customer data and should be treated as sensitive information.HIGH
rebrandlyThe Rebrandly API key is used for accessing Rebrandly's URL shortener service.LOW
refinerThe Refiner API key is used for data refinement and analysis.MEDIUM
repairshoprThe Repairshopr API key is used for accessing the Repairshopr software platform, which is used for managing repair shops and their inventory, customer data, and sales invoices.MEDIUM
restpackThe Restpack API key is used to access the Restpack API, which provides a variety of web scraping and screenshot generation services.MEDIUM
restpackhtmltopdfapiAPI key for the Restpack HTML to PDF APIMEDIUM
restpackscreenshotapiRestpackscreenshotapi is an API key used for accessing the Restpack Screenshot API. The API allows users to capture website screenshots and PDFs programmatically.LOW
revAPI key for a service called Rev. It is used for authentication and authorization purposes.MEDIUM
revampcrmRevampcrm is a customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps businesses manage their customer data and interactions.MEDIUM
ringcentralRingcentral API keyHIGH
ritekitThe Ritekit API key is used for accessing the RiteKit API services.MEDIUM
roaringThe api key is used for authentication purposes in the Roaring API.MEDIUM
rocketreachAPI key for Rocketreach service.MEDIUM
roninappAPI key for the Roninapp - 1 service.MEDIUM
route4meThe API key is used for accessing the Route4me API, which provides route optimization and navigation functionality.HIGH
rowndAPI key for Rownd applicationMEDIUM
rubygems_api_tokenIdentified a Rubygem API token, potentially compromising Ruby library distribution and package management.HIGH
runrunitThe API key is used by the Runrunit application for authentication purposes.MEDIUM
salesblinkThe API key is used for accessing the Salesblink API.MEDIUM
salescookieThe Salescookie API key allows access to the Salescookie platform, which provides sales tracking and analytics for businesses.MEDIUM
salesflareSalesflare API KeyHIGH
satismeterprojectkeyThis API key is used for the Satismeter project. It is likely used for authentication and access control purposes.LOW
satismeterwritekeyThe Satismeter write key is a sensitive information that allows access to the Satismeter API for writing data.MEDIUM
saucelabsThe API key is used for authentication and authorization for the Saucelabs - 1 service.MEDIUM
scalewaykeyScaleway API KeyMEDIUM
scalingo_api_tokenFound a Scalingo API token, posing a risk to cloud platform services and application deployment security.HIGH
scrapeowlAPI key for Scrapeowl, a data scraping tool.MEDIUM
scraperapiThe API key is used for authentication and access control purposes for the Scraperapi service.MEDIUM
scraperboxThis API key is used for accessing the Scraperbox service, which is a web scraping tool. It allows users to extract data from websites and automate data collection tasks.MEDIUM
scrapersiteThe API key is used for authentication and grants access to the Scrapersite API.HIGH
scrapestackScrapestack is a service that allows users to scrape and extract data from websites. The API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the Scrapestack API.MEDIUM
scrapflyThe API key is associated with the Scrapfly service, which is a web scraping tool. It allows users to extract data from websites.MEDIUM
scrapingantScrapingant is a web scraping service that provides API keys for accessing their services.MEDIUM
scrapingbeeThe API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for accessing the Scrapingbee API. It allows users to scrape web pages at scale.HIGH
screenshotapiThe api key is used for accessing the Screenshotapi service.MEDIUM
screenshotlayerThe Screenshotlayer API key is used for accessing the Screenshotlayer API, which provides programmatically generated screenshots of web pages. It allows developers to integrate website screenshots into their applications or services.MEDIUM
securitytrailsThe Securitytrails API key is used for accessing the Securitytrails API services, which provide various security-related features and data.MEDIUM
segmentapikeySegment API KeyMEDIUM
selectpdfThe api key is used for the Selectpdf API, which is a web-based service that allows converting web pages and HTML code into PDF documents. The api key is used for authentication and authorization purposes.HIGH
semaphoreThe API key is used for accessing and managing Semaphore, a continuous integration and deployment platform.MEDIUM
sendbird_access_idDiscovered a Sendbird Access ID, which could compromise chat and messaging platform integrations.HIGH
sendbird_access_tokenUncovered a Sendbird Access Token, potentially risking unauthorized access to communication services and user data.HIGH
sendbirdorganizationapiThe Sendbird Organization API key is used to authenticate and authorize requests made to the Sendbird API for accessing and managing organization-level resources.HIGH
sendgrid_api_tokenDetected a SendGrid API token, posing a risk of unauthorized email service operations and data exposure.HIGH
sendinblue_api_tokenIdentified a Sendinblue API token, which may compromise email marketing services and subscriber data privacy.HIGH
sendinbluev2This API key is for Sendinbluev2MEDIUM
sentimentThis API key is used for sentiment analysis.MEDIUM
sentry_access_tokenFound a Sentry Access Token, risking unauthorized access to error tracking services and sensitive application data.HIGH
sentrytokenThe Sentrytoken API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes in the Sentry error monitoring and logging platform.HIGH
serphouseThe API key is associated with Serphouse, a service that provides access to search engine data. It is likely to be used for authentication and authorization purposes.HIGH
serpstackThe Serpstack API key allows access to the Serpstack API, which provides search engine result data.MEDIUM
sheetyAPI key for Sheety - an API service for creating and managing API-based spreadsheetsMEDIUM
sherpadeskThe Sherpadesk API key can be used to access and authenticate with the Sherpadesk platform, which provides helpdesk and ticketing system services.MEDIUM
shipdayThe Shipday API key allows access to Shipday's shipping platform for managing and tracking shipments.HIGH
shippo_api_tokenDiscovered a Shippo API token, potentially compromising shipping services and customer order data.HIGH
shodankeyThe Shodan API key is used to access the Shodan search engine, which allows users to search for IoT devices and vulnerabilities.HIGH
shopify_access_tokenUncovered a Shopify access token, which could lead to unauthorized e-commerce platform access and data breaches.HIGH
shopify_custom_access_tokenDetected a Shopify custom access token, potentially compromising custom app integrations and e-commerce data security.HIGH
shopify_private_app_access_tokenIdentified a Shopify private app access token, risking unauthorized access to private app data and store operations.HIGH
shopify_shared_secretFound a Shopify shared secret, posing a risk to application authentication and e-commerce platform security.HIGH
shortcutThe api key is used for accessing shortcuts or creating shortcut links.MEDIUM
shotstackThe API key is used to access and authenticate with the Shotstack API service.HIGH
shutterstockThe API key is for Shutterstock, a stock photography website. It is used to authenticate and access the Shutterstock API for retrieving images and other media assets.MEDIUM
shutterstockoauthAPI key for Shutterstock OAuth authenticationMEDIUM
sidekiq_secretDiscovered a Sidekiq Secret, which could lead to compromised background job processing and application data breaches.HIGH
sidekiq_sensitive_urlUncovered a Sidekiq Sensitive URL, potentially exposing internal job queues and sensitive operation details.HIGH
signalwireThis API key is used for accessing the Signalwire service. Signalwire is a cloud communications platform that offers APIs for voice, messaging, and video services.MEDIUM
signaturitThe Signaturit API key is used for securing and automating the electronic signature process.MEDIUM
signupgeniusThe Signupgenius API key is used to access and manage user accounts and sign up forms on the Signupgenius platform.HIGH
sigoptAPI key for Sigopt, a company that provides an optimization platform for machine learning models.MEDIUM
simplesatThe api key is used for the Simplesat service.HIGH
simplynotedAPI key for accessing Simplynoted APILOW
simvolyThe Simvoly API key is used for authentication and authorization to access the Simvoly platform and its features.HIGH
sinchmessageSinchmessage API keyMEDIUM
sirvThis API key is associated with a service called Sirv. It is used for authentication and authorization purposes.HIGH
siteleafThe Siteleaf API key is used for authenticating and authorizing users of the Siteleaf platform.MEDIUM
skrappioThis API key is used for the Skrappio service, which allows for scraping of data from websites. The key is regex-based and is used for authentication purposes.MEDIUM
skybiometryThe api key is used to authenticate and access the Skybiometry API, which provides facial recognition and analysis services.MEDIUM
slack_app_tokenDetected a Slack App-level token, risking unauthorized access to Slack applications and workspace data.HIGH
slack_bot_tokenIdentified a Slack Bot token, which may compromise bot integrations and communication channel security.HIGH
slack_config_access_tokenFound a Slack Configuration access token, posing a risk to workspace configuration and sensitive data access.HIGH
slack_config_refresh_tokenDiscovered a Slack Configuration refresh token, potentially allowing prolonged unauthorized access to configuration settings.HIGH
slack_legacy_bot_tokenUncovered a Slack Legacy bot token, which could lead to compromised legacy bot operations and data exposure.HIGH
slack_legacy_tokenDetected a Slack Legacy token, risking unauthorized access to older Slack integrations and user data.HIGH
slack_legacy_workspace_tokenIdentified a Slack Legacy Workspace token, potentially compromising access to workspace data and legacy features.HIGH
slack_user_tokenFound a Slack User token, posing a risk of unauthorized user impersonation and data access within Slack workspaces.HIGH
slack_webhook_urlDiscovered a Slack Webhook, which could lead to unauthorized message posting and data leakage in Slack channels.HIGH
slackwebhookSlack webhook API keyLOW
smartsheetsThe API key is used to access and interact with the Smartsheets API, which is a cloud-based platform for collaboration and management of projects, tasks, and workflows. It allows users to create, update, and retrieve data from Smartsheets, as well as perform various actions such as creating sheets, adding rows, and applying formatting.HIGH
smartystreetsThe api key is used for accessing the Smartystreets API.MEDIUM
smoochAPI key for the Smooch serviceMEDIUM
snipcartThe Snipcart API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for the Snipcart e-commerce platform.MEDIUM
snyk_api_tokenUncovered a Snyk API token, potentially compromising software vulnerability scanning and code security.HIGH
snykkeyThe Snykkey is an API key used for authentication and authorization in the Snyk platform.HIGH
sparkpostSparkpost API key is used for sending emails through the Sparkpost email delivery service.MEDIUM
splunkobservabilitytokenThe Splunk Observability Token is an API key used for authentication and authorization in the Splunk Observability platform. It provides access to various features and services offered by Splunk Observability, including monitoring, troubleshooting, and analytics.MEDIUM
spoonacularSpoonacular API keyMEDIUM
sportsmonkThis API key is associated with the Sportsmonk service, which likely provides access to sports-related data or services.HIGH
spotifykeyAPI key used for accessing Spotify servicesMEDIUM
square_access_tokenDetected a Square Access Token, risking unauthorized payment processing and financial transaction exposure.HIGH
squareappThe api key is used for authentication and authorization for accessing Squareapp - 1 services.MEDIUM
squarespace_access_tokenIdentified a Squarespace Access Token, which may compromise website management and content control on Squarespace.HIGH
squareupThe Squareup API key is used for integrating Square payment processing into applications.MEDIUM
sslmateAPI key for Sslmate serviceMEDIUM
stitchdataThe Stitchdata API key is used to access and manage data integration services provided by Stitchdata.LOW
stockdataThe Stockdata API key is used to access stock market data. It allows users to retrieve information such as stock prices, historical data, and financial statistics for various stocks. This key is essential for accessing and analyzing stock market information.MEDIUM
storecoveAccess key for Storecove APIHIGH
stormglassThe Stormglass API key allows access to the Stormglass weather data service.HIGH
storyblokThe Storyblok API key is used for accessing and managing content within the Storyblok headless CMS. It allows users to create, update, and delete content, as well as perform other administrative tasks.HIGH
storychiefThe Storychief API key is used for accessing and managing the Storychief platform, which is a content distribution and collaboration tool for content marketers and teams. With the API key, users can programmatically interact with their Storychief account, allowing them to create, edit, and distribute content across multiple channels.MEDIUM
stravaStrava API key is used to access and interact with the Strava platform, which is a popular social fitness network for tracking athletic activities. It provides access to user data, including activity details, routes, personal information, and social connections.MEDIUM
streakStreak API keyHIGH
stripe_access_tokenStripe private tokenHIGH
stytchThe api key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for the Stytch platform.MEDIUM
sugesterAPI key for accessing the Sugester 1 serviceMEDIUM
sumologic_access_idDiscovered a SumoLogic Access ID, potentially compromising log management services and data analytics integrity.HIGH
sumologic_access_tokenUncovered a SumoLogic Access Token, which could lead to unauthorized access to log data and analytics insights.HIGH
sumologickeyThe Sumologickey - 1 API key provides access to the Sumologic service.MEDIUM
supernotesapiThe Supernotes API key is used for accessing the Supernotes API, which allows users to interact with their note-taking application. The API key provides access to features such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting notes.HIGH
surveyanyplaceThis API key is used for Surveyanyplace, a survey platform. It is a unique identifier associated with a user account.LOW
surveysparrowThe API key is used for authentication and authorization for Surveysparrow API services.HIGH
survicateThe API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for the Survicate API.HIGH
swellSwell API keyMEDIUM
swiftypeThe Swiftype API key allows access to Swiftype's search and indexing services.MEDIUM
tallyfyThe API key is used for authenticating and authorizing requests made to the Tallyfy API.HIGH
tatumioAPI key for the platformMEDIUM
taxjarAPI key for Taxjar serviceHIGH
teamgateAPI key for Teamgate - 1MEDIUM
teamworkcrmThe api key is used for authentication and access control for the Teamwork CRM system.HIGH
teamworkdeskThe api key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for the Teamworkdesk platform.MEDIUM
teamworkspacesAPI key for TeamworkspacesMEDIUM
technicalanalysisapiAPI key for a technical analysis APIMEDIUM
telegram_bot_api_tokenDetected a Telegram Bot API Token, risking unauthorized bot operations and message interception on Telegram.HIGH
telegrambottokenTelegram bot tokenHIGH
telnyxThe Telnyx API key allows access to Telnyx services and features.HIGH
terraformcloudpersonaltokenTerraform Cloud Personal Token is used for authenticating and authorizing API requests to Terraform Cloud.HIGH
text2dataThe API key is used for accessing the Text2data API.LOW
textmagicTextmagic API keyHIGH
theoddsapiThe API key is used to access Theoddsapi service, which provides betting odds for various sports events.MEDIUM
thinkificThinkific API keyMEDIUM
thousandeyesThousandEyes API keyHIGH
ticketmasterThe api key allows access to the Ticketmaster API for managing and retrieving ticket information.MEDIUM
tiingoThe Tiingo API key is used to access financial market data such as stock prices, news, and analytics.MEDIUM
timezoneapiTimezoneapi is an API that provides information about time zones. The API key is used for authentication and access to the API's features.MEDIUM
tmetricTmetric API keyMEDIUM
todoistThe API key is used for authentication and authorization in Todoist API requests.MEDIUM
toggltrackToggltrack API keyLOW
tomorrowioThe api key is used for accessing an API provided by Tomorrowio, a weather data provider.MEDIUM
tomtomThe API key is used to access the Tomtom API for various location-based services.MEDIUM
tradierThe API key is used for accessing the Tradier API, which provides real-time and historic market data, as well as trading and account management functionality.MEDIUM
travelpayoutsThe API key allows access to the Travelpayouts platform.HIGH
travisci_access_tokenIdentified a Travis CI Access Token, potentially compromising continuous integration services and codebase security.HIGH
trelloapikeyTrello API Key - 1HIGH
truThe API key is used for authenticating requests made to the Tru - 1 service.MEDIUM
twelvedataThe Twelvedata API key is used to access the Twelvedata API, which provides real-time and historical financial market data. This API key allows users to retrieve stock quotes, technical indicators, and other financial data.HIGH
twilio_api_keyFound a Twilio API Key, posing a risk to communication services and sensitive customer interaction data.HIGH
twitch_api_tokenDiscovered a Twitch API token, which could compromise streaming services and account integrations.HIGH
twitter_access_secretUncovered a Twitter Access Secret, potentially risking unauthorized Twitter integrations and data breaches.HIGH
twitter_access_tokenDetected a Twitter Access Token, posing a risk of unauthorized account operations and social media data exposure.HIGH
twitter_api_keyIdentified a Twitter API Key, which may compromise Twitter application integrations and user data security.HIGH
twitter_api_secretFound a Twitter API Secret, risking the security of Twitter app integrations and sensitive data access.HIGH
twitter_bearer_tokenDiscovered a Twitter Bearer Token, potentially compromising API access and data retrieval from Twitter.HIGH
tyntecThe Tyntec API key allows access to Tyntec's services and resources for sending and receiving SMS messages and phone calls. It is used for communication purposes.LOW
typeform_api_tokenUncovered a Typeform API token, which could lead to unauthorized survey management and data collection.HIGH
ubidotsThe Ubidots API key is used for authenticating and accessing the Ubidots IoT platform.HIGH
unifyidUnifyid API key for accessing Unifyid services.MEDIUM
unpluggThe api key is used for the Unplugg application.HIGH
unsplashUnsplash API key is used to authenticate and authorize access to the Unsplash API. It allows users to access and use the Unsplash image library for various applications.MEDIUM
upcdatabaseAPI key for the Upcdatabase serviceLOW
upleadUplead API keyLOW
uploadcareThe API key is used to authenticate and access the Uploadcare API, which allows users to handle and manage files in the cloud.LOW
upwaveThe Upwave API key allows access to the Upwave platform, which is a project management and collaboration tool. This API key is used for authentication and authorization to interact with the Upwave API.MEDIUM
urlscanThe API key is used for accessing the Urlscan service.MEDIUM
userstackThe Userstack API key is used for user agent parsing, geolocation data, and device info.MEDIUM
vatlayerThe Vatlayer API key is used for accessing the Vatlayer service, which provides VAT number validation and VAT rates retrieval for businesses.LOW
vault_batch_tokenDetected a Vault Batch Token, risking unauthorized access to secret management services and sensitive data.HIGH
vault_service_tokenIdentified a Vault Service Token, potentially compromising infrastructure security and access to sensitive credentials.HIGH
vercelAPI key for Vercel, a cloud platform for static sites and serverless functions.MEDIUM
verifierThis api key belongs to a verifier that is used for authentication or verification purposes.LOW
verimailVerimail API keyHIGH
versioneyeAPI key for VersionEye software management platform.LOW
viewneoThis api key is for the Viewneo platform, it appears to be a long alphanumeric string with a specific format.MEDIUM
virustotalVirustotal is a service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs to detect viruses, trojans, and other malware. The API key is used to access the Virustotal API, which allows users to programmatically submit files and URLs for analysis.LOW
visualcrossingThe Visualcrossing API key is used for accessing weather data through the Visualcrossing Weather service.LOW
voicegainThe API key is used for authentication and authorization for the Voicegain service.LOW
voucheryAPI key for Vouchery - 1MEDIUM
vpnapiThe Vpnapi key is an API key used for VPN authentication and authorization purposes.MEDIUM
vultrapikeyThe Vultr API key is used to authenticate and authorize requests made to the Vultr cloud hosting provider. It allows users to manage their virtual servers, block storage, DNS records, and other resources through the Vultr API.MEDIUM
vyteVyte API keyHIGH
walkscoreWalkscore API key used to access walkability scores for locations.LOW
weatherbitThe Weatherbit API key is used to access the Weatherbit API service, which provides weather information and forecasts.MEDIUM
weatherstackWeatherstack API keyMEDIUM
webexAPI key for WebexLOW
webflowThis API key is used for authentication in Webflow, a web design and development platform. It provides access to various features and functionality within the Webflow platform.MEDIUM
webscraperThe api key is used for web scraping purposesMEDIUM
webscrapingThe API key is used for webscraping.LOW
wepayWepay API keyMEDIUM
whoxyAPI key for Whoxy serviceMEDIUM
worksnapsWorksnaps API keyHIGH
workstackThe Workstack API key is a sensitive information that provides access to Workstack, a project management tool. It is used for authentication and authorization purposes.HIGH
worldcoinindexAPI key for WorldcoinindexMEDIUM
worldweatherAPI key for Worldweather serviceMEDIUM
wrikeThe Wrike API key allows access to the Wrike project management platform.HIGH
yandex_access_tokenFound a Yandex Access Token, posing a risk to Yandex service integrations and user data privacy.HIGH
yandex_api_keyDiscovered a Yandex API Key, which could lead to unauthorized access to Yandex services and data manipulation.HIGH
yandex_aws_access_tokenUncovered a Yandex AWS Access Token, potentially compromising cloud resource access and data security on Yandex Cloud.HIGH
youneedabudgetAPI key for Youneedabudget, a personal budgeting softwareMEDIUM
yousignThe API key is used for authentication and authorization purposes for the Yousign API. It allows access to various features and functionalities of the Yousign platform.MEDIUM
youtubeapikeyThis api key is used for accessing the YouTube API and provides access to various functionalities and data on the YouTube platform.MEDIUM
zapierwebhookZapier webhook API key. Allows integration with Zapier platform for automating tasks and workflows.MEDIUM
zendesk_secret_keyDetected a Zendesk Secret Key, risking unauthorized access to customer support services and sensitive ticketing data.HIGH
zendeskapiThis API key is used for the Zendesk API, which allows access to ticketing, support, and customer service features.MEDIUM
zenkitapiThe Zenkit API key is used to access and interact with the Zenkit API service. It allows users to authenticate and make requests to retrieve, create, update, and delete data within their Zenkit account.MEDIUM
zenscrapeZenscrape API keyLOW
zenserpZenserp is an API key used for accessing a search engine result page scraping service.MEDIUM
zeplinThe Zeplin API key is used to access and interact with the Zeplin design collaboration platform.MEDIUM
zerobounceZerobounce is a service that provides email validation and verification by checking if an email address is valid and deliverable.MEDIUM
zipapiAPI key for Zipapi - 1. Allows access to Zipapi services.MEDIUM
zipbooksAPI key for accessing the Zipbooks service and potentially password informationHIGH
zipcodeapiThe Zipcodeapi key is used for accessing the Zipcodeapi service, which provides geolocation information based on zip codes.MEDIUM
zonkafeedbackZonkafeedback API keyMEDIUM


authorization_codeauthorization codeLOW
aws_mws_idAmazon Marketplace Web Service identifierLOW
aws_secret_keyAmazon secret keyHIGH
bearer_uuidBearer with UUIDHIGH
boolean_wannabeLooks like a boolean but not a booleanLOW
commandCommand input, often used in interfaces that accept system commandsMEDIUM
confirmation_codeconfirmation codeLOW
content_typeContent TypeLOW
cuidGlobally Unique IdentifierLOW
device_nameDevice nameLOW
device_typeDevice typeLOW
didDecentralized IdentifiersLOW
directoryDisk or URL Path or DirectoryLOW
environmentEnvironment parameter for specifying the deployment or operation environmentLOW
fileFile nameLOW
funcFunctional command or method call in applicationsLOW
hex_color_codeHex Color CodeLOW
hostHost name (IP or DNS)MEDIUM
hslHue, Saturation, LightnessLOW
hslaHue, Saturation, Lightness, AlphaLOW
http_methodhttp methodLOW
instagram_oauthInstagram OAuth token identifierMEDIUM
ipc_patentIPC PatentMEDIUM
ipstack_tokenunique identifier and access token for using IPStack's services.HIGH
ipv4IPv4 addressMEDIUM
ipv6IPv6 addressMEDIUM
jsonJSON stringLOW
language_iso_639_2Language ISO 639-2LOW
limitLimit numberLOW
llm_inputPotential LLM inputLOW
localeBCP 47 LocaleLOW
macMac AddressMEDIUM
maskMask PatternLOW
mongo_db_object_idMongo DB Object IDLOW
offsetStart offset numberLOW
pin_codePin CodeLOW
portPort numberLOW
reason_codereason codeLOW
return_typeReturn typeLOW
rgbRGB Color CodeLOW
rgbaRGBA Color CodeLOW
slugSlug or identifier in forums or message boardsLOW
software_componentSoftware or library nameLOW
status_codeStatus CodeLOW
uriA URI as defined by RFC 1738LOW
urlA URL as defined by RFC 1738LOW
user_agentuser agentLOW
uuidUniversally Unique IdentifierLOW